Headache Treatment
Colorado Springs
Knowing Your Headache Triggers
Along with adjustments, knowing and constantly discovering your headache triggers is the key to avoiding, shortening or lessening the pain of headaches. Being aware of environmental stimuli like noises, lights, and sound can help you prepare to lessen their effects. Stressful situations that lead to less sleep and overexerting yourself physically or mentally should also be avoided.
Migraine VS Headache Symptoms
The symptoms of migraines can range from nausea to noise and light intolerance, depression to difficulty speaking, and double vision. There have been no definite risk factors discovered for migraines other the past 20 years other than family history. Trauma and chronic stress that causes constant activation of nerves are found to have the biggest impact on their manifestation.
Headaches take on many forms and attack different points in your brain depending on the source of the pain. Tension headaches are the most common types. They come in varying pain and frequencies but are characterized by pain in your temples and across your forehead. Whether your headaches are episodic or chronic, Lawrence Chiropractic can relax them away with targeted adjustments, massage therapy, and other proprietary treatments.
Chiropractic Treatment for Headaches and Migraines
In order to customize your headache treatment plan, we assess your CT scans, X-rays and MRI’s to make sure that we can rule out health issues that must be addressed by your physician. All treatments at Lawrence Chiropractic are non-invasive and designed to give you fast but effective treatments for your migraines and headaches.
Feel Better Today
Visits to your chiropractors at Lawrence Chiropractic to help end your headaches. Call us at Lawrence Chiropractic to schedule a consultation.